Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Sunday, Everyone!

I am spending a relaxing Sunday night listening to Vivaldi, drinking my last glass of white wine and updating my blogs. It is my calm before the storm. I have a busy week coming up, especially seeing as I'm finally feeling better so I've got a million jobs to catch up on, I've got something on every night this week and *drumroll, please* tomorrow is the official start of my "101 in 1001". Yes, I'm taking the plunge and tackling this slightly crazy idea. As I always like to say before I do something (usually) stupid in Rummy, in for a penny, in for a pound. I picked October 4, 2010 as my start date for two reasons: 1) I thought two weeks would be enough time to complete my list (it wasn't, I'm scrambling to complete it tonight) and 2) it makes the end date July 1, 2013. How patriotic of me!!

October 1st was supposed to be my second attempt at Project 365, however, thanks to a few dead batteries, I had to push it back to the 2nd. When I started the Project 365 the first time, I was a person who only took photos while on holidays. I failed miserably due to my own self-consciousness about taking photos of people and things. I gave myself a month to get used to taking photos and not feeling so uncomfortable with snapping every chance I got. I feel much better prepared this second time around. Like last time, you can click on my flikr account link on the right to take you the pictures. Not all of them will be posted in an actual blog.

I also spent a lot of time with my mom this weekend. She and my stepdad are off to Nova Scotia for the Cape Breton Celtic Music Festival and to visit some friends over there. I am just a wee bit jealous of them and it didn't really help that during dinner we listened to a CD of a guy they saw last time there were in Nova Scotia. He played song after song of Irish songs I remembered from my childhood. I hate my mom and stepdad right now and I don't care if they know it. "Oh, we might drive the Cabot Trail again." Yeah, well, I'd like to drive it once so bah-humbug. I hope you guys have a great time, I really do, I'm just going to be bitter about it until you're back.

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