Wednesday, August 25, 2010

GBC Question #4

Today's question is: a book that reminds you of home.

Easiest question so far: The Best of Robert Service

My mom and dad both had copies of it and I used to pour through them as a child. My love of Robert Service started in gr. 5. It was the anniversary of something to do with him, I can't remember what, and it was mentioned on the CBC before I went to school. That day in class, the teacher asked a question regarding that day and the significance to Robert Service. I was the only one who knew the answer. We were given additional homework: memorize The Cremation of Sam Magee by Friday for extra marks. Not surprisingly, I was the only one who did.

I started a ritual of reading Robert Service any time I came home from a trip. It wasn't a conscious decision. In fact, it mostly started because my dad kept his book in the bathroom. Even if it was just to Vancouver for a weekend, I'd return home and read a poem. About six months ago I finally broke down and bought a copy of the book. Now I read Robert Service at least once a month.

Is there anyway to make Robert Service better? Only if you have Johnny Cash read his most famous poem!

Update: ACK! It's not letting me embed the video even though it's a video that allows embedding. Boo hiss! You can find what I wanted to post here.

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