Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's Coming From Inside My Apartment!

Wait, no it's not.

For the past week, at roughly the same time every night, I hear the same chord being played over and over again on a ukulele. At least, that's what it sounds like. It also sounds a little like an old school mac giving you a "can't do that, Dave" warning (which sounds nothing like HAL3000 but that's a better link than this (4 sec mark)). I like the first option better because it makes me giggle. As I put on my facebook last night:

I didn't cover my picture because it's Inigo Montoya and that's just cool.

Upon later reflection, I kind of like the idea of being chased by a man in a muumuu so I decided to embrace my ghost-who-exists-solely-in-my-over-active-imagination. His name is Carl.


Shannon said...

OOOoooh...a ghost! Don't make it mad! We had a couple of ghosts in the last house we lived in - a man and a young girl...they stopped making noise if we asked them politely to stop.

Wow, I'm totally not kidding, but I totally sound a little bit like I'm crazy...

Oh well.

AndreaClaire said...

I don't think Alex and J would appreciate being called ghosts ;)

Shannon said...

Ha! There are some days when I think Alex *is* a ghost (that would be when he's working nights)...J, not so much...